1,419 research outputs found

    Transpositions from Research into Policy and Practice: possibilities for foreign researchers

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    SUMMARY The stereotypical view of the relationship between researchers and policy makers is that there is a generation?wide gap which is hard to bridge. Perhaps the best remedy, for research on education in developing countries especially, is to bring the two together in one institution. The dangers — of bias or over?generalisation — are probably smaller than the difficulty of trying to improve communication otherwise. RESUMEN Transposiciones de la investigación en politica y práctica: posibilidades para los investigadores extranjeros La visión estereotipada de la relación entre investigadores y diseñadores de política, consiste en una amplia brecha generacional que es difícil de llenar. Quizás el mejor remedio, especialmente para la investigación educacional en los países en desarrollo, sea incorporar ambos a una sola institución. Los peligros de parcialidad o generalización excesiva, probablemente son menores que la dificultad de mejorar la comunicación por otros medios. SOMMAIRE Transposition en principes et de façon concrète de la recherche: possibilités pour les chercheurs étrangers L'idée stéréotypée de la relation entre les chercheurs et les personnes qui prennent les décisions est qu'il y a un fossé d'une génération qu'il est difficile de combler. Peur?être le meilleur remède, plus précisément pour la recherche sur l'éducation dans les pays en voie de développement, serait de les rapprocher dans une seule institution. Les dangers de partialité ou de généralisation à outrance sont probablement moins importants que la difficulté rencontrée pour essayer d'améliorer la communication dans le cas contraire

    La liga de las naciones. El método del profesor Tinbergen

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    An empirical investigation of the relationship between the real economy and stock returns for the United States

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in the Journal of Policy Modeling. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2009 Elsevier B.V.US asset prices are modelled in the short- and long-run with the use of a seemingly unrelated system using monthly data over the time period, 1983–2004. Once the shocks of 1987, 1997 and post-“9·11” have been accounted for, then volatility only affects the consumption and inflation equations. In the long run excess returns and inflation are driven by consumption growth. Money growth impacts excess returns and inflation via consumption. Income is super exogenous implying that policy can be made conditional on this variable and that in the long run investors are primarily concerned with income growth
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